Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Smiths- "Panic" Video (1986)

An eloquent diatribe on the fluff that passes for mainstream music, then and now. More Smiths to come...


  1. Eye have vid of Frank Zappa on Crossfire 1986. It is a good one. Saturday was the annual shut up and play your guitar summit. Bumble bee Explorers, sunburst Les Paul customs, late 50s Stratocasters, Telecasters. What a fest it was glad eye was able to go.

  2. I saw Zappa in 1980. Incredibly tight band. I hated the Smiths back then too. I thought they were whiny and boring. I appreciate the Smiths now and look forward to the flac series!

  3. Jo Jo, I think we should have a weekly "shut up and play yer guitar" day, maybe Sundays would work. Instead of the religious overtones and all that "day of rest" stuff, it would be a day devoted to music. It could be coupled with a universal campaign to promote f*cking- I'm convinced that if people had more sex with each other, the world would be a kinder, gentler, or at least adequately satiated, place (although it might increase smoking). Imagine if every Sunday was filled with nothing but music and f*cking. Hmmm, then we could all live like rock stars for a day ;)

  4. scurfie, alas, no Smiths series (at least not yet), but I do have a couple of Smiths posts in the works (Japanese remasters no less)

  5. I appreciate the Smiths now and look forward to the flak series. I'm convinced that if people had more sex with each other, the world would be a kinder, gentler.


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