(La) luna: Bauhaus- The Sky's Gone Out (1982)
(La) luna: Love and Rockets- Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven (1985)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Ninth (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Should the World Fail to Fall Apart (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Love Hysteria (FLAC)
(La) luna: Tones on Tail- Everything! (1998)
Plastic Palace People: Daniel Ash- Foolish Thing Desire (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Bauhaus- Rest in Peace: The Final Concert (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Bauhaus- Go Away White (FLAC) Japanese Bonus Track Edition
Plastic Palace People: David J- Etiquette of Violence (FLAC)
(La) luna: Love and Rockets- Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven (1985)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Ninth (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Should the World Fail to Fall Apart (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Peter Murphy- Love Hysteria (FLAC)
(La) luna: Tones on Tail- Everything! (1998)
Plastic Palace People: Daniel Ash- Foolish Thing Desire (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Bauhaus- Rest in Peace: The Final Concert (FLAC)
Plastic Palace People: Bauhaus- Go Away White (FLAC) Japanese Bonus Track Edition
Plastic Palace People: David J- Etiquette of Violence (FLAC)