Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Lost Half of My Blog Images!

Hello everyone,

Apparently, blogger has deleted over half the images on the blog, including my beloved crow header.  I have no idea how or why this happened. I've already restored some of the album art, but the header looks like it may be a goner. I have a love/hate relationship with blogger, and right now, I'm firmly in hate territory. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to return the blog to its former aesthetic appeal   ~ voixautre


  1. I liked the header with the woman floating in the lake. You should bring that one back. It's a classic.

    B&B Man

  2. that's ridiculous man. goddamn blogger.

  3. migrate your blog to tumblr then. :)

  4. Sorry to hear that. Just thought I'd say thanks for all the work you do on the 2 blogs. Cheers

  5. thanks everyone, I've got the problem ironed out. Header to return soon

  6. is that header a still from the opening to six feet under by any chance

  7. spare, you know, I never made that connection but it's possible. I found the image randomly out in cyberspace one night after I had grown tired of the lady floating underwater

  8. yeah it is i just checked. if you ever need the source of it now you know!

  9. thanks! I like it even better now :) (great show)


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