Friday, May 27, 2011

A Question for MP3 Downloaders


I plan to continue offering both lossy and lossless (FLAC) downloads on (La) luna, but recently I have been contemplating changing the lossy option from MP3 CBR 320 to MP3 VBR v0. The thinking behind this is that there is really no appreciable difference in sound quality and the v0 files are smaller.

So, I want to hear from those of you who DL the MP3 files I post: which one is your preference? Please state your preference in the comments of this post. I'll keep count and in a few days, whichever option has more votes will decide what type of MP3 files I post from then on. Thank you!



  1. My friend, I don't care about that as long as it can be downloaded. If I really like the album, I but the original CD. So I don't mind the download quality.


  2. You should consider dropping MP3 altogether, besides the few mb's difference between 320 and V0 is hardly relevant. For higher quality, lesser size OGG 9 would be the way to go, taking the more opportunistic route AAC would surely attract some takers. MP3 players are history it's all phones these days.
    On a side note i am interested in your figures as to how many take flac and how many take MP320. Mp3 has largely run it's cause, lossless is the way to go..
    Said by a man who has posted OGG 9 for the past years.


  3. 320 although i've ripped my cd's at V0

  4. After reading Rho-Xs comment please KEEP the mp3 format. Phones? fcuk em!!!!!!!
    All my music is on my computer these days. And
    I like 320...
    Cheers, Michael.

  5. Weirdly enough, I'll D/L a FLAC file and convert it to Wave if I want to put a CD-r in the car, or MP3 (@320) if I'm going to play it on my media player and sync to my MP3 player. I don't mind which format it comes in, as long as it's not iTunes or Apple product (altho I can still convert to which ever format I desire) All I ask for is an easy to use file manager, that isn't Rapidshare, and that it doesn't make you jump through hoops to free download the files.

    On a side note, Rho-Xs has some awesome posts!!

  6. Don't worry, the MP3s are staying because I have many readers who cannot download the larger FLAC files due to their location. So far, it looks like 320 is in the lead


  8. FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 | FLAC & MP3 |

  9. just for clarification: (La) luna is primarily a lossless blog. I will never stop posting FLAC. The question is what is the preferable type of MP3: 320 or v0?

  10. I do prefer 320 files, but if it's easier for you to upload the smaller v0 files, then I'm perfectly OK with it, I'll keep coming back for the awesome music!

  11. osumario, either is fine for me. I'm just interested in what the readers prefer. It looks like 320 is the way to go

  12. Since you asked, I'll throw a vote in for 320. 99% of the time, I'm here for FLAC, but between 320 and VBR v0, I'd go with 320.

    As always, thanks for the great site!

  13. Matt, thanks, I appreciate it :)

  14. For lossy formats like mp3 I believe that v0 is just the "highest" quality VBR and better than CBR 320K (not that the differences are much).v0 has the advantage that needs lesser storage space and especially for those who store only in their hard disks. Personally I prefer FLAC if we are talking about quality.

  15. thanks frankroo. Your points are the reason I posed this question, but so far, 320 is ahead 5 to 1

  16. Rho-Xs, the figures are FLAC sometimes 2 to 1 and occasionally 3 to 1. The reason I post the lossy files is that many of my Eastern European readers cannot DL the larger FLAC files

  17. v0 has definitively better sound quality than 320 - thanks a lot for you wonderful blog

  18. 320 CBR is probably the way to go on this one boys. And contrary to some of these "cutting edge" elitists' beliefs, the format IS NOT irrelevant, and won't be for a long time until you can pack an entire lossless library into a portable listening device. :)

  19. I may not count because I usually download flac, but if I ever download lossy I try to avoid 320. v0 sounds far closer to 320 than 320 does to lossless and takes up less room. I do not thank you enough for the great work you do, so thanks.

  20. Drake, good to hear from you on this. I agree with you that technology hasn't made lossy formats irrelevant just yet (but I hope it happens soon):)

  21. jams, thanks for your comment. Your analysis of 320 makes sense. So far 320: 6 v0: 3

  22. Im surprised 320 is winning actually, opinion seems to be that v0 and 320 are pretty much the same, as the vbr will record loud passages with high-bitrates and save space in quieter sections. When i was a member of v0 was by far the most downloaded version of an album.

    I only really download FLAC now, the odd leak being the exception to this role. My mp3 of choice is actually LAME v2 but this is strictly for my ipod and the fact its a nano :)

  23. thestarry, I've noticed the same thing on, which is why I posed this question. I must say, I'm a bit surprised by the results too, although your vote puts it at 6 to 4

  24. Here's another vote for v0. :)

  25. LAME -v 0 (or down to -v 2)

  26. 320 CBR is probably the way to go on this one boys. And contrary to some of these "cutting edge" elitists' beliefs, the format IS NOT irrelevant, and won't be for a long time until you can pack an entire lossless library into a portable listening device. :)

    i just go flac, tho vbrs aqueeze good on my ipod

    forat is relevant... if you can afford it.. remote connect to home drive or virtual storage medium, stream or preload... and u hav lossless music...

    flac on ipod been around for ages too l)

    luv the blogm

  27. I also vote for 320. Love your blog for the FLAC/MP3 option, the choice music you post, and the alluring color scheme.

  28. Thanks for all the feedback everyone. We're at 320- 8 vo- 6. I think I'm inclined to keep things as they are

  29. I vote for 320 to preserve the quality of the file (and the music). FLAC obviously is superior but 320 could come in at a close second. Kurt

  30. Czar of FLAC & Mp3May 28, 2011 at 6:47 AM

    VBR on a fast machine with good soundcard sounds damn good. BTW do you have Evil Empire by my favorite pinko commie rat rockers Rage Against The Machine.

  31. I personally appreciate the 320. As I've learned from years of retouching, you can always scale something down in quality but you can never scale it up. Thank you.

  32. All two thanks...for me i prefer FLAC and V0 at the same time.....and we all be happy!Why not?

  33. Once again, thank you to everyone who responded. 320 has won and will remain the MP3 bitrate that I post on (La) luna

  34. Coming a little late to the debate, I know, but keeping things as they are is a damn good idea.

    Thanks for the great work you've been doing!

  35. FLAC > LAME V0 > 320 CBR > LAME V2

  36. Brandon, I decided to stay with 320 cbr

  37. Sorry, just saw this msg now. V0 is actually better on the sound quality. CBR actually cracks the low ends if you played out loud, & that the compression can be heard. V0 on the other hand tends to make the low ends sound sweeter & gentler. This is esp true for the later releases that has a high loudness level. For old releases, you don't actually hear much of a diff.

    But really, who are we to complain right? All the great music delivered to us for free? Man, coming from a fellow blogger, I know how much effort it takes to upload stuff. So thanks so much for doing this. And what a brilliant selection.

  38. KiDG, I tend to agree with you, but the readers chose 320 CBR. Thanks for the comment and for following the blog, much appreciated :)

  39. MAZE, we decided to keep it as 320kbps. This was the preference for most people


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