Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bark Psychosis- ///Codename: Dustsucker (2004) / Game Over (1997) MP3 & FLAC -For Carlos-

"Blood disappears where deeds begin."

Saddled with one of the oddest album titles in recent memory, Bark Psychosis' ///Codename: Dustsucker, Graham Sutton's first non-comp release under the Bark Psychosis moniker in ten years, stands as a sometimes-worthy successor to the band's groundbreaking debut Hex, an album credited with creating the Post-Rock genre in name if not in style. Sutton began working on this follow-up after spending most of the post-Hex nineties focused on his Drum 'n' Bass project, Boymerang, and truth be told, //Codename: Dustsucker is a Bark Psychosis album in name only, as Sutton is the only connection to the band's earlier work, save for some "found drumming" contributed by the band's original drummer Mark Simnett. Despite the decade of silence, Sutton offers no radical deviations from the beautifully sculpted, dynamic sound of the earlier album, although it could be argued that ///Codename Dustsucker is slightly more conventional in approach, as it tends to rely far more on vocals and percussion than is generally the case within the Post-Rock genre.  On "The Black Meat," one of the more Hex-like tracks, Sutton offers layer upon layer of sonic detail, creating a lovely sense of aural space while using trumpet and harmonica to undermine its own Ambient undertow. Perhaps the best track, and one that seems to effectively build on Bark Psychosis' past, is lead track "From What Is Said to When It's Read"; with its hypnotic groove, whispered vocals, and strange electronic effects, it rides in on a wave of calm before descending into a well of eerie guitar hum. While the album is by no means as groundbreaking as the band's peerless early nineties work, Sutton is by no means simply paraphrasing his past, as he manages to explore some new and intriguing vistas within the genre he helped give birth to.

///Codename: Dustsucker
1. From What Is Said to When It's Read  (5:26)
2. The Black Meat  (6:49)
3. Miss Abuse  (6:09)
4. 400 Winters  (5:46)
5. Dr. Innocuous/Ketamoid  (1:04)
6. Burning the City  (5:09
7. INQB8TR  (7:56)
8. Shapeshifting  (5:53)
9. Rose  (5:49)


Game Over
 1. Blue  (3:58)
 2. Three Girl Rhumba  (4:40)
 3. I Know  (4:11)
 4. All Different Things  (8:11)
 5. Manman  (5:04)
 6. Bloodrush  (7:14)
 7. A Street Scene  (5:49)
 8. Murder City  (8:56)
 9. Scum  (21:15)
10. Pendulum Man  (5:37)



  1. I have, lost somewhere in my music jungle, a not that good sounding mp3 versioin of ///Codename:dustsucker. Hex and Game Over I was lucky to get on cd. Thanks for the flac. Saludos.

  2. El Isabelino, glad I could help you upgrade this one :)

  3. You have any Sigue Sigue Sputnik?

  4. Billy, no, but you might want to check this out:

  5. Hi My Friend your blog is really good, Claudio from


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