Thursday, June 30, 2011

T. Rex- "Jeepster" Video (1971)

Nice version of T. Rex's glam classic with some great conga work from Mr. Finn


  1. I love playing this song early in the morning on my way to work. It's a beautiful way to start the day!

  2. Dave, I'll have to try that sometime, although I usually work later in the day. It is definitely a great tune :)

  3. Where did David Bowie get is glam ideas? T.Rex. Who beat Bowie by at least 2 years by turning from glam R&R to soul? T.Rex. Jeepster is my all time fav T.Rex song followed very closely by "Broken Hearted Blues" from Tanx.

    Thanks voixautre for the video flash back to high school. Music was so much better then... or was it?

  4. scurfie, there's no denying that the late sixties-early seventies were the golden age for rock. I see the Post-Punk movement of the late seventies-early eighties as another golden moment. In many ways, everything since has been a footnote to these


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