Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Word or Two about the Blog Going Forward

Hello dear readers,

To be completely candid, I almost pulled the plug on (La) luna a few weeks ago, but, as you may have noticed, I have instead resumed posting material as of a few days ago. You also may have noticed that the new posts are different. No review, very basic, just the goods. This is because I just don't have it in me to write anything these days, much less detailed music reviews. My personal life is basically a nightmare right now, which takes much of my time and energy. However, I have found myself feeling very disconnected and alone over the past few months; posting on (La) luna and Plastic Palace People, as spartan as my new posts are, simply makes me feel better, hence my reappearance. I don't know how long I will continue doing this, as I will be facing some tough circumstances in the coming weeks and months, but I really appreciate all your amazing emotional support- there have been times over the past few months when your comments have brought a warmth to my heart when little else could. Thank you  ~ V


  1. i hope things turn out better for you in this new year... work through the bad things, then on to the better times...



  2. Lots of thoughts of pulling the plug going on in the blogosphere lately, albeit for different reasons. Hang in there man, do what you gotta do. This too shall pass, as the saying goes. Here's to a better 2012!

  3. I'd sure miss you and (La) Luna, and I hope it doesn't come to that, but do whatever you feel you must. Hang in there.

  4. Tongue/Mxxx, thank you, I'm trying, but the day-to-day is pretty stark right now, but I have a plan

  5. GaragePunk66, good to hear from you. Yes, the blogosphere does seem pretty unstable at the moment. Posting recently has made me feel better so I'm going to continue for as long as I can. Unfortunately, my living circumstances will be changing soon and my internet connection will not be nearly as upload-friendly

  6. MAZE, I'd miss you too. Don't worry, I've put away my thougts of pulling the blog down

  7. Hope a better year than 2011. Be strong!!!

  8. kospapas, thank you. I will. Happy new year to you as well

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It's a little bit valueless, but I wish you a happy new year & I hope you'll be okay.

  11. Hey, Nobody Wants To Live In A Nightmare, But Sometimes Our Lives Turn Into One Of Them And We Start Feeling Disconnected From Reality. That Doesn't Mean An End, It Means A Change. A Change For The Better. And That's My Wish For You. Your Good Work Sharing Wonderful Music On The Internet Will Be Always Remembered And Apreciated, No Matter What The Future Holds...As Always, Thanks Voixautre, I Hope You Stay With Us Forever.

  12. Alles Gute für das neue Jahr, voixautre! Hope 2012 will (turn out to) be good ... All the best for you!

  13. As always my best wishes and thoughts for you. Saludos.

  14. I love you postings. Your taste in music has been an amazing boost to my own experience. Hang in there. I wish you all the best for the New Year

  15. In your own time, in your own way - but please! The Blurred Crusade? Seance?

  16. I am sorry to hear about your problems right now. I just want to thank you for all the wonderful music that you introduced me to. The music I should have know about but didn't and I can't explain why.

    Thank you again for your blog and I hope things turn around for you.

  17. stay strong...just reconnected with this blog of yours after a lengthy absence. your tastes mirror my own and you are doing an amazing job. though i'll miss your take on things, please keep it up!

  18. Hang on in there, mate... I think I know how you felt coz something similar happened to me a few years back. But just wanna encourage ya that there's a silver lining & that all things will work out for your good, I pray. Take care yeah?

  19. You are a bright spot in all of your lives. Do what you must, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Jah Love Protect Us...

  20. hello KiDG!... been a while my friend... hope you are doing well... much love... XXX

  21. Ánimo. Y gracias. Sencillamente, gracias. Y ánimo.

  22. This is one of my favourite blogs. I'm discovering so many "new" bands and stuff because of you.
    Thank you for all your efforts, I hope things will go better for you in 2012.

  23. good luck with everything and great to see the blog alive. for my musical horizon, la luna and plastic palace people are the best blogs to discover hidden treasures or unknown stuff. so glad to see you continuing.

  24. All the very best to you for 2012, as 2011 seems to have been a shit year for a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

  25. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Hang in there, mate.

    I've only just discovered your blog but it has brought back lots of happy memories and introduced me to some new stuff.

    If it's any consolation your posts are making others happy. Hope some of that happiness bounces back your way. :-)

  26. What SriRacha Shark said. Times when it's damn near impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel, then it arrives. Hope things pick up for you fast, buddy. And once again thanks a million for all the great music. Cheers, Wilf, Hove, UK

  27. What SriRacha Shark said. Times when it's damn near impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel, then it arrives. Hope things pick up for you fast, buddy. And once again thanks a million for all the great music. Cheers, Wilf, Hove, UK

  28. Looking forward to the day you do feel like writing something (about the music). Sending good thoughts your way and for a happier new year.

  29. I have enjoyed your blog a lot, both reading your writing on some of my old favourites, and discovering some new ones. Whatever you decide to do with the blog, big thanks. It has been one of the best music blogs I've come across. I hope everything turns out OK for you. Stay strong.

  30. Hi V. You have my wishes for a better new year. I know it's easy for me to write these words but, it's always darkest before the dawn. You have a great site, that I'm happy will stay current, and you have many friends pulling for you too. You are blessed!

  31. There is probably not much we can do help, other than telling you the truth: you have many friends out here, and whatever you do, we support you 100% and wish you all the best.

  32. Happiness only real when shared ?
    feel strong my friend
    My best wishes.

  33. Like everyone else I wish you all the best, just know that you are very much appreciated here. And that I do get a lot of joy from the postings you put on here. What ever decision you make we back you. Follow your heart, try to smile and do know that there are people out there that care even though we have not meet in person. Hope this year turns things around for YOU!

  34. hang in there, voixautre

    keep on, keepin' on

  35. thanks for your generosity! best of luck in the future!!!

  36. voix - nice to see you back, but terribly sorry to hear about your personal problems. Be strong, better days are surely ahead.

  37. everyone, thank you so much for all your support. My personal struggle is the dissolution of my marriage. I passionately wanted to save it but my wife is on some sort of self-realization journey and more or less blames me and the marriage for holding her back these past six years. What is sad is that I've been very supportive during that time, and she rarely if ever communicated any unhappiness to me- her words even indicated the opposite. Now she says she has always felt miserable around me, so I'm done. I'm tired of holding on to hope and I'm not sure I even like who she is becoming. I'm telling you all this because I needed to unburden myself on this stark morning before opening the curtains to the blinding sunlight outside.

  38. Your not alone pal. I think allot of people are dealing with the same emotions as yourself - myself included.
    Good luck going forward - I'm sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

  39. Sounds like you got the blame for lots of things in her life. Shifting blame is a common thing, but knowing that doesn't help you. There are no easy answers out there. Its a step by step thing, but you can get through it, even if you feel you can't for periods. Women, as they say, can't live with them, can't live without them.

  40. Like Derek says" It's got to get better in a little while". No one appreciates power & paisley pop as well as this blog. Hope good times are right around the corner.

  41. Like Derek says" It's got to get better in a little while". No one appreciates power & paisley pop as well as this blog. Hope good times are right around the corner.

  42. It's always: health, women or money.
    Stay true to yourself. Fuck what others think.
    I for one, appreciate you and the music you post. I check your blog at least twice a week.
    Best wishes!


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