Monday, January 2, 2012

The Church Series, #4: Marty Willson-Piper- Hanging Out in Heaven (2000) MP3 & FLAC


  1. Thanks again. I love the Church, but only ever gave one of Willson-Piper's solo discs a try (Art Attack), and while I thought it was ok, I wasn't crazy about it. Should probably give it another chance some time. In the meantime, I'll give this one a go.

  2. MAZE, this one is his best solo album

  3. i'm not sure this is his best album , "Spirit Level" (1992) could be his best or maybe the first "In Reflection" from 1987.But i've loved Hangin' Out a lot.

  4. nicolas, hmmm, yes, "Spirit Level" is also a favorite of mine

  5. My most cherished album from Marty... and one of the most heartbreaking record in music history
    But I don't want to talk about it!
    Serge Zéni


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