Monday, January 9, 2012

Townes Van Zandt- Flyin' Shoes (1978) MP3 & FLAC

Fat Possum ~ 2007/1978

One of the great American singer-songwriters, a man who spent much of his life wrestling with his considerable demons,  a man and musician I have endless admiration for. If you haven't explored his work previously, then now is the time ~ R.I.P. TVZ

Flyin' Shoes  in FLAC:  Grab, Try, Then Buy!


  1. Thank you. I only have is S/T album and it's great.

  2. I've been meaning to check out Townes but never have known where to start out. Thanks V!

  3. Thanks for this. Nearly forgot how brilliant his albums are ...

  4. Anon., you're welcome. I will be posting several TVZ albums soon

  5. Anon. #2, My pleasure. I will post several of his best soon

  6. Issi, good to hear from you. Yes, TVZ is a master

  7. Here is a man I MUST listen to more. Would love more Townes' posts! :D Thanks voixautre!

  8. Thanks!I'm already in Townes music (Serbia is not as..... of the world).''Road songs'' in FLAC will be appreciate.

  9. sunday, good to hear from you. I'll see what I can do

  10. What an excellent post! Anything by Townes is amazing. It is so nice to see that Townes is finally getting the recognition he so long deserved. Kurt


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