Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Girls- "Hellhole Ratrace" Video (2009)

Fine S.F. indie band that sounds a little like Elvis Costello fronting Spiritualized. They just released a new LP yesterday , Father, Son, Holy Ghost. More on Girls coming soon...


  1. What a great new band! I can't wait to hear the new CD. I saw them last year at Coachella (2010) and they were amazing. Many thanks. Kurt

  2. I really want to like these guys but it's too sad, brings back too many old memories...

  3. Kurt, they're probably my favorite SF band; they just capture something about that city. I'll be posting some Girls soon

  4. scurfie, when it comes to things such as sadness, I'm a glutton for punishment

  5. Michael, no problem about the tags. You're right- it doesn't take long to fill them in anyway. I actually have a physical copy of "Box of Pearls." Amazing collection. Janis is a longtime favorite of mine! I'll post the other Eno box (vocals) next week

  6. I have thought about selling the Box of Pearls many times but never do. One box I really regret selling is Public Image Limited-Plastic Box. It is still sitting there at the music/video store in the next county. Might save up and buy it back. That one is hard to find and priced outrageously at online outlets. Love anything Eno related! I'll download em all! -MT-

  7. let me know if there are any particular Eno's you're looking for


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