Saturday, February 12, 2011

Esben and the Witch- "Marching Song" Video (2011)

The ghost of Siouxsie is really making the rounds these days. Good to hear. Along with the progeny, maybe we should post the original soon...


  1. Some Siouxsie Sioux! Always loved her nip revealing mesh tanktop when she was Sex Pistols fangirl, hehe. Only have lossy of the Siouxsiemeister, would be neato supergroovycool to have lossless.

  2. I've got all their best albums in deluxe or expanded remasters. I'll post some soon. Thanks for the request Mr. Jotten

  3. I dont know if Through The Looking Glass has been remastered or expanded, but I'd sure love to hear it if it has. Any band willing to cover Sparks and Television on the same album is A-ok with me. Been loving the scott walker series too by the way. killing moon is in excellent form!

  4. Hi David, I have everything up to Looking Glass in expanded or deluxe remasters. Looking Glass itself hasn't been remastered, but I do have the original version in FLAC. I will post some Sioxsie very soon! Thanks for your comment on the Walker series; it's going to get really interesting very soon. I have some stuff that is very hard to find in lossless (though sadly, no "Pola X")-stay tuned, man in the moon

  5. Wow! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. You're doing a great job on this blog. Keep it up.


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