Monday, January 3, 2011

Coming Soon- Brian Eno: The Series

In anticipation of The Killing Moon's upcoming series of Brian Eno (and related) posts, here's some live MGMT doing a song from Congratulations:

Don't worry, I'll mix in other posts, so it won't be all Eno all the time...


  1. I have some Eno if you need any. Downloading Junior Murvin right now. I'm a huge Clash fan and never put the two together! lol Thanks for the post and the education.

  2. Hi, thanks, I think I'm covered for Eno, although do you happen to have a rarity (maybe bootleg not sure) collecting some early solo BBC recordings? I'm a big Clash fan too. I found Murvin through them.

  3. Sorry no but I can ask a friend. Shall I just pop in on another post?

  4. sounds good and much appreciated- FLAC if at all possible. Also, given that you're by far my most responsive reader, is there any chance I could get you to officially "follow" the blog? I was also curious if you would have any interest in contributing posts at some point?

  5. LOL I am following your blog! As far as posting thank you for the offer. I will think about it... I think it would be better (for me) to support you rather than contribute, if that makes sense.

  6. Hi, I understand, and I really appreciate your support. Let me know if you change your mind down the line


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