Monday, March 19, 2012

A New Luna

I have created new incarnation of Luna:

This new version of the blog will return to the original review and links to download format of the previous blog, but with some changes. I am planning on multi-installment reviews / histories focusing on specific artists or record labels. These will feature FLAC-only downloads. I will also post relevant (and not so relevant) photos and GIF files that I come across during my cyber travels. Most importantly, I want to thank all of you for your kind words and support during the past year, a difficult time for me to say the least. Coming into contact with so many good-hearted people out there in the music-sharing community has truly helped me to not give up. This is why I feel compelled to start the new blog. My work load has doubled since my Luna days, so posting will be less frequent; however, I'm hoping that aiming for quality will help overcome the lack of quantity. I am planning to have my first review installment posted by this weekend.

Stay tuned and PLEASE JOIN THE NEW BLOG!     ~V



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