Friday, February 10, 2012

Luna Update

Hello everyone,

After much reflection, I have decided to re-incarnate (La) luna simply because I miss feeling connected to all of you out there in the music sharing community. It will be a new blog called  Meta Luna, which will focus on reviews/band-artist histories, videos, links to purchase and occasionally downloads for music that is out of print. I have not yet decided on a file host. Currently, I'm in the process of creating the new blog in my spare time. It will bear many similarities to (La) luna, but hopefully it will be more informative and internet gestapo-proof. I will provide an update when the blog is nearly ready to go ~voix


  1. Right Now The Atmosphere Is Tense. We Don't Know What To Do. If We Make A Move, Someone Will Tell You It's Wrong, A Crime. I'm Drunk Right Now, But It Gives Me A Little Bit Of Hope That Someone Like You, Mr. Voixautre, Stands Tall...We Love Music, Music Loves Us; So We Will Talk About It, Feel About It, Live It Up. I Will Love This Blog Forever...As Long As You Love Music, I Will. We Wish You Well.

  2. Thanks! I love this blog it has helped introduce me to so much good music. Wishing you well. Looking fwd to the new blog.

  3. Man, yours is one of the best blogs around, matching perfectly with the blog named after a Scott Walker song. So I suppose you'll carry on posting in the latter. We respect and encourage your decision, we know the result will be all worthwile. Thank you very much and we'll see you in your next reincarnation! And if possible, take the Brian Eno series to Plastic Palace People, s'il vous plait!


  4. That's good news, Voixautre. I wish you all the luck in the world, and I'll be there to follow your blog.

  5. That's good news indeed!!!

  6. Great news! Looking forward to the new incarnation of the blog!

  7. Very good news. Look forward to the new era.

  8. wonderful! thanx a lot in advance for all the nice stuff. keep on rocking!

  9. private blog-ing is the future, but I'll follow you anyway. I enjoy you blog too much.

  10. Good news! Onwards and upwards, Voixautre

  11. Good stuff. I came for the Eno & Paisley Underground series. And then stayed for all the rest.

  12. May you continue for many full moons to come...On an aside, can anyone assist a brother out with an invite to stroboscope syndrome? Missed the invite window while on vacation. Any help with that would make my day, thanks.

  13. Nice picture, go and see the film "Hugo Cabret"

  14. GREAT news am looking forward to it

  15. Excellent news. I look forward to it, thank you!

  16. Best news i have heard all day, thanks

  17. That is such fantastic news! You just made my day. Kurt

  18. Good to hear! I'm looking forward to it!

  19. Man I miss the days of kick ass blogs posting up great albums in high quality it seems like yesterday or a few weeks ago. Found a page the other day with all The Who albums went to download and it said service not available in your country. Some good news Poland and Bulgaria said no thanks to ACTA but if they can shut down megaupload and destroy terrabytes of data what do they need PIPA and SOPA for. Like everything else passed off as protecting the children or keeping us safe it is all about control. Sharing of albums cut the greedy maggots out of the picture and it pissed them off. No Echo and the Bunnymen for you buddy here is some Lady Kaka and whatever the latest flavor of no talent virgin/whore lip syncher they can find turning tricks in the park. Viva la lameness, the triumph of the swill. Thanks internet fascists for sucking all the fun right out of the internet.

  20. Great news! Glad to see you are back in the thick of things my friend

  21. trust me when i say a lot of people will be thrilled to have you back, myself included

  22. So good to hear you miss us...but not as much as we miss you [trust me, lol]. Imagine my delight upon arrival [The Church, The Chameleons, The Sound! titles i might not know but trust your recommendations based on what i DO know that's here]. Then imagine my sighs upon realizing i got to enjoy the fruits of your labours for, like, a week [right before the MU Smackdown]. Total of 2 visits and at that, not in any "hurry"...who'da thought i'd *need* to be in a hurry?...just reading and enjoying and grabbing a couple of Church's for the bonus trax [i bought and still own the older Arista reissue cd's, fwiw]...then the roof caves in! Ouch!, i said. Whatever you do next, wherever you go: i wanna be there with all the good/crazy folks i read in the comments. This is a delightful haven. Sorry i didn't learn of it sooner, but i'm here/now.

  23. Even the Russian pages are shut down now. Some pages are blocking IP addys from Amerika so you can't download. The internet was too free for too long and now it will be ruined in the name of peace and safety. It is not our fault the entertainment industry has an outdated and obsolete business and distribution model. I used to go the record store at least once a week and buy music and movies well that is over with not one more dime from me to fund big brother bullshit.

  24. Corn Studded Turd with Red RibbonFebruary 26, 2012 at 7:24 PM

    While getting drunk at the mancave during the stupor bowl I swear there were some commercials with The Cult and Echo and the Bunnymen in them. The Cult one had some crapper rapping over it. What an abomination. At least the bands got some royalties.

  25. Wow, I had too much music that I needed to listen to so I took a break for a few months. I'm just now reading about what's going on. What a shame. I'll be around from time to time on your new blog. Thanks for all that you shared on this blog. This blog was one of my favorite places to visit on the internet. There was nothing like it anywhere. Truly the best.

  26. Someone help me, repost Orange Juice's Coals To Newcastle.

  27. Great News, look forward to the new site.

  28. Thanns voixautre. Always nice to acess good music. Meanwhile can somebody help me - i seem to have lost my acess to another great blog theprivaterevenge -it doesnt accept my log in anymore... any help?

    1. did you find a way to get access once more?

    2. Yes i did, several times. Still it denies me the access as a registered user... how can i fix this? thanxx

    3. What happened to theprivaterevenge? What happened with JFK?

  29. Excellent news...looking forward to the new blog

  30. Hai guise,

    Time to start getting anon tech and learning how to use it.

    TOR is your friend when Torrent trackers and file hosting services "are not available in your country." Slow, yes, and a bit unreliable - but it reliably protects your identity and gives you an IP address located at some random place in the world. E-Z way: The TOR browser bundle.

    i2p - Invisible Internet Protocol - is an anonymous Darknet that is mostly used for very slow but reliable and entirely "safe" file sharing via torrent. Takes a little more "RTFM" and tweaking but well worth the effort. I have 8 GB or so of albums available for download there, hassle free.

    These tools defeat both censorship and user tracking very effectively. Today, it is still viable to use blogs and file lockers on the open Internet. Tomorrow, not so much. Play with the tools now and be ready to shift over on short notice when the time comes.

  31. hello? anybody home?


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