Saturday, September 17, 2011

Suicide- from the documentary "Punk Attitude"

Here's a taster for an upcoming post: Alan Vega & Martin Rev's legendary proto-post/punk duo Suicide, whose collected works are the only music I keep on my iPod (for long train trips and family gatherings)


  1. Fantastic video, I look forward to more Suicide here. Say, I want to join La Luna (and PPP), and am not sure how to do that. Ii see "SUBSCRIBE TO (LA) LUNA" on the right, under which there are options for Posts and Comments. Is that where one joins? Thanks for your nine months of great work, you've given birth! - Jim

  2. Jim, good to hear from you! In the column (sidebar) at the right, there is a section directly above where it says, "Subscribe" called "lunĂ¡ticos en (la) luna." There should be a button that says "join" but I've noticed it doesn't always load with the page. Keep refreshing the page and it should eventually come up. I really appreciate your willingness to join. I'll be posting Suicide's first two albums soon

  3. Thanks, voixautre. I had Suicide's first two albums in vinyl - before CDs were available - when I lived in a tiny apt. off the Golden Gate Park panhandle near the Haight in SF way back when. (In fact, I was literally next door to Kezar Stadium, where Dirty Harry tortures a suspect in the first DH movie, where he utters the famous lines, "'ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?" ;-) Bought all my vinyl at Tower Records in North Beach back then. So much of the music you feature is the soundtrack of my life. Can't thank you enough. - Jim

  4. Anon., I know the area. I lived in Berkeley while going to school and spent a lot of time at the GG park end of Haight. Buying vinyl at Tower Records, not that brings back some good memories!


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