Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Can't Believe It Has Been Nine Months

Hello everyone,

Nine months ago today, I made my first post on (La) luna, which was then called The Killing Moon, and in doing so, I started my blogging odyssey. Little did I know way back then how quickly the blog would grow and how much it would change from its original incarnation. This blog also led to the creation of a second blog, Plastic Palace People, which has also grown immensely in a very short span of time. Both blogs continue to be an incredibly rewarding experience for me, and I wanted to thank all of you, the readers, for your interest, time and comments. One of the tough things about maintaining a blog like this is remaining consistently inspired day-to-day because without inspiration, the quality suffers significantly. In my case, I draw my inspiration directly from my interactions with the readers- truly, you have been the best part of my blogging experience.

The only tangible ways I have of gauging whether you find the blog interesting and/or enjoyable is through the comments that are left on the individual posts and by the number of members the blog has.  As such, I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to leave comments when you can (and certainly when you feel inspired) and, if you haven't already done so, please click the "Join" button in the side bar toward the top of the blog. It is greatly appreciated. We are currently at 285 members and I would love to make 300 by December 17th, our one year anniversary, so if you can, please help out.

Finally, I also wanted to mention some upcoming changes and features. I am currently working on some new Andy Warhol-inspired artwork for either the header or the blog's background, and in the coming months, I will be adding a page in the tab bar devoted to Amour & Discipline, a new organization devoted to providing music sharers the opportunity (entirely voluntary of course) to donate funds directly to the artists whose work they download on blogs like (La) luna & Plastic Palace People. More to come on that soon. I am also in the very very early stages of conceiving a multi-authored online magazine devoted to music reviews/interviews/recommendations/internet censorship issues/etc., which I see as a natural extension of (and at some point possibly a progression from) (La) luna.

Once again, thank you so much for reading and downloading from (La) luna and Plastic Palace People. I have some great posts in the works for you, so stay tuned!!!  ~voixautre



  1. Thanks for the music. All the post punk, new wave, psychedelic, punk, kraut, art rock, indie, alternative, electronic, folk, unsigned, paisley, hippie, relics, gems, jewels, goodies and all that.

  2. you are a good father voixautre,
    thank you for the milk

  3. Blashyrkh, you're welcome. Thanks for visiting and downloading!

  4. douxεε, great to hear from you! How are you doing?

  5. douxεε, I still owe you a few Breathless albums :)

  6. i hope that you will reach your goal.
    best ragards.
    beautiful blog

  7. This blog will be an Internet emporium soon!
    Glad & proud to be a Lunático :)

  8. 9 month!You gotta child :D.
    In the name of that,could be post Eleventh Dream Day ''Beet'',or something from my previous wishes. :)
    Many,many months...

  9. Shine on, keep on shining, killing moon!!!
    Thanks for all these beautiful memories
    (...and, thanks too for your support)

  10. Thank you voixautre, your time and talents are appreciated more than you know. By maintaining the high level of content on your web pages you should easily reach your goal. : )

  11. thanks for the ongoing work of art...and long may it continue

  12. And thank you for an amazing blog.

  13. Thanks, voixautre, for your enthusiasm and dedication. I appreciate you.

  14. Want to thank you for your blog, I am enjoying it a lot. Just found it about a month ago and visit at least 4 or 5 times a week. Looking forward to seeing your future work.

  15. Happy birthday! I never want to miss this blog ... Thanks for knowing and sharing so much about music!!

  16. Thanks for all the work and great music. Sometimes it's like hearing this stuff for the first time, it's been so long. It's very much appreciated.

  17. Thank you for all of your hard work on this blog!


  18. I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work!

  19. bobbysu, thank you, I appreciate it

  20. ioannis, I'm sure we will. Eleven new members in three months seems reachable

  21. douxεε, at some point, I'll send you the links. I'm sorry for taking so long

  22. Dave, proud to have you as a Lunático and also proud to count you among the posters on PPP- you're doing an amazing job over there

  23. sunday, unfortunately, I don't have any Eleventh Dream Day, but you can get "Prairie School" on the Garage Punk 66 blog

  24. BABIS, thank you and I wish you the best of luck with your lovely new blog!

  25. scurfie, one of the first members! You have been such a big source of inspiration. The whole blogging experience would not have been as nearly enjoyable without our correspondence. Thank you!

  26. AndieJames, thank you for your steady participation and great recommendations. I've really enjoyed your presence on the blog. :)

  27. Revan0357, thank you for your continuing support!

  28. bv, I appreciate you as well. I've really enjoyed our growing correspondence and your recommendations. Thank you so much for being a loyal reader of both blogs!

  29. Liz, I'm really glad you found the blog. I really appreciate your comment :)

  30. Dear Issi, another one of the blog's very first readers. I would like to thank you for your ongoing interest and support. I hope luna is around for a good long while

  31. Anon., I really appreciate that, thank you!

  32. JDT, you're welcome. I'm very glad you found the blog :)

  33. Christ, that animation scared the crap out of me! Didn't expect him to move! Anthony Perkins, is it? Looks a bit like him, anyway.
    Keep up the good work, voixautre! I enjoy it a lot, the writing as well as the posts. We seem to have very similar taste in music, so even when I already have the music in high quality format, I enjoy reading about it, and it's always exciting to check in and find a new post.
    And, of course, you have treated me to more than a few musical goodies.

  34. Congrats on the anniversary. Your site has the coveted "visit every day" seal of approval for me. I hope you keep up the awesome work with the same fun insightful commentary and reviews. I have discovered so much I did not even know existed and I thought I was a music nerd. Thanks again for turning us on to the "new" old music.

  35. Incredible wonderful Blog, congratulation for your hard work. Terrific. :)

  36. Great blog. Found this about 5 months ago and I probably have downloaded 15 - 20% of it. I visit every day. The write-ups are terrific as is the music selection. Looking forward to seeing this blog continue on for years to come. Good luck and keep fighting the good fight !

  37. Dr Hank, sorry about the scare- I couldn't resist! It is Perkins, a scene from "Psycho." Thanks for all your kind words :)

  38. pixiesfan, great to hear from you! I am honored to be on that coveted list :)

  39. Vinyl Rules, I really appreciate your comment. I too hope this blog continues for years. Interestingly, I've only had 2 links deleted during the 9 months the blog has been alive *knock on wood*

  40. I've been mowing my way through Paisley Underground stuff lately but was unsure whether to bother leaving a comment for a post made 3 months ago so uh thanks for all the Paisley Underground stuff!

  41. Spikey, I read and respond to all the comments, even the ones on old posts, so don't hesitate to comment and you're welcome for the Paisley stuff. More coming soon!

  42. Don't be sorry my friend, please.
    i love your bottom's GIF !

  43. Thanks for 9 months of music pregnancy. I'll send you some maternity clothes Voix while you recover. Gracias and saludos.
    Here's another 9 months later case:

  44. El Isabelino, great song! Thanks for the link. Here's to another nine months of music blogging bliss


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.