Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wall of Voodoo- Happy Planet (1987) MP3 & FLAC

I.R.S. ~ 1987

We are not Devo; we are Wall of Voodoo! This is the second of three albums Wall of Voodoo issued after Stan Ridgway went solo in 1984. While there is no denying that Ridgway's unique vocals and quirky songwriting are missed, his replacement, Andy Prieboy and the rest of the reformed band are not half bad, though the production is a bit too glossy. Nevertheless, if you are a Wall of Voodoo fan, you may want to take this for a spin.

Happy Planet


  1. Sorry no Stan it ain't WOV. Pitty.

  2. poor poor Andy Prieboy! Scurfie, your response reminded me of an encounter I had with the post-Ridgway WOV at a community college in socal I was attending at the time (probably '85 or '86). They were on campus promoting an upcoming show and asked me if I was interested. I asked them if Stan Ridgway was going to be there and they all looked extremely crestfallen. I felt bad, but I didn't go...


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