Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Gang of Four- Songs of the Free (1982) MP3 & FLAC

EMI ~ 2008/1982

Songs of the Free  in FLAC:  Grab, Try, Then Buy!


  1. Hello! I've just discovered your blog and it's really amazing. Entertainment! is one of my favorite albums ever, I don't listened to Songs of the Free yet but I will listen soon. Thanks.

    I don't know if you like the band, but I'll make a suggestion: bring some Red House Painters releases for the blog. :) Sorry for any mistake, english is not my first language.

  2. Awesome! Thanks for all the work you've been doing!

    I wish you can overcome, in this New Year, all your personal struggles!

  3. W., welcome to (La) luna. I'm a big Red House Painters fan, and I will post some Kozelek-related material soon. Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Paulo X, you're welcome. I just need to move on and accept that my marriage is over. I have been trying to save it since last September and I've grown weary of the burden.

  5. I have this on vinyl. I haven't listened to this for too long. Thanks voixautre! Btw, I saw GOF during this album's tour at a small venue/bar in New Jersey. What a night.

  6. They sound totaly New Wave on this album but don't get me wrong it's still alright.
    Hey check out my brandnew LosslessRockBlog

  7. This is a beautiful thing ... and one that I too only ever had on vinyl. Thank you; it's much appreciated. (As in your whole blog, in fact.)

    Any chance of uploading 1995's 'Shrinkwrapped'? A somewhat overlooked GOF album, that one - but as tracks like 'Sleepwalker' prove, a pretty fantastic one, too.

  8. Jonathan, I'll post that one very soon

  9. couldn't agree more about "Shrinkwrapped", Jonathan...I look forward to you uploading that, voixautre, as I've misplaced my copy...can't find it anywhere!


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