Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scars- "All About You" (1981) Live on the Old Grey Whistle Test

Another great Scottish Post-Punk band that appeared at the dawn of the eighties, Edinburgh's the Scars only released one album, and in my estimation, it deserves far more love/recognition than it gets- Josef who?


  1. Hey this guy stole my dance moves! Will you be posting this band? I liked the Police smashed into the Gang of Four total chaos sound.

  2. scurfie, indeed I will- all remastered and expanded :)

  3. Eisenhovver and the hippies eat spotted pussySeptember 15, 2011 at 9:15 PM

    The lobotomy tube has some cool show about the hippies! It is showing Leary, Kesey, Grateful Dead and others. It would rock if they had a punk, post punk or new wave docu on sometime.

  4. Eisenhovver, there's an interesting docu on Kesey and the Merry Pranksters. I've meaning to download it for ages

  5. Great band. My friend Grace was dating the singer in '81 and this song is actually about her. Scars briefly reformed last Xmas for one gig in Edinburgh, then they fell out again. A real shame.

  6. :)) I like how they changed their sound from abrasive post punk to full-on early 80's new romantic. Great band, shame they can't co-exist anymore.

  7. porkchop greasy greasySeptember 16, 2011 at 2:26 PM

    Once I saw a VW van on fire on the interstate and Hippie Johnny was putting it out with a bohemian buttrug. I knew it wasn't the summer of love anymore.

  8. wilfofhove, that's too bad they couldn't stay together. I would have loved to hear some new material. Thanks for commenting!

  9. AndieJames, I completely agree, too great to have just the one album

  10. porkchop, I think I saw that malchick begging for nickels in Berkeley a few years ago

  11. Do you feel the need for some 7" single love? Scars 4 singles ripped @ 320 with covers?

  12. AndieJames, if you don't mind, feel free to post a link in these comments so everyone can grab them; otherwise yes, do send me a link, thanks


    A little Scars singles download, with their début single "Adultery/Horrorshow" which wasn't included in the expanded Author! Author! CD. All are in 320 MP3 and each one has it's clicks and pops as 7" vinyl intended

  14. Thanks for those singles, AndieJames!

    And I look forward to further Scars...I remember reading about them in Simon Reynolds's book "Rip It Up and Start Again" but I hadn't heard much.

  15. Eric, Voix, You're both very are all who need to get a quick Scars fix :))

  16. Eric, I'll post some Scars (the album) either later this week or early next week


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