Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Two New Series Starting Soon

Hello Everyone,

As you might have noticed, the Talk Talk series concluded a few days back, and I have been busy getting things ready to start the Velvet Underground Series in a few days. I'm also preparing to begin the Church series very soon. Thanks again for your continuing support and please, please, please hit the 'join this Site'  button on the right if you haven't already done so. It is one of the best ways to let me know you enjoy the blog. Thank you!    ~ voixautre

p.s. I've got some great posts coming soon, with another Paisley post up next :)

 Luna Moth


  1. «(...) Have you seen my grasshopper, mama? (...) Oh-oh, I blew it! It's a moth! (...)»

  2. http://losslessalbum.com/2011/07/28/the-velvet-underground-discography-1963-2009.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+losslessalbum+%28Lossless+Album+%21+High+Quality+Music+Blog+%21+FLAC+APE+ALAC+MP3%29
    Wait for Velvet,but i must pay attention on The Church because don't listen it already. o_O

  3. mother, and it's not just any moth; it's the king of moths!

  4. When I was a child, maybe six or seven years old, I begged and begged my parents to buy me a 25 volume Animal Encyclopedia. The books were mail-ordered and arrived one volume at a time at intervals of two weeks. I vividly remember how exciting it was to receive each volume and how I would read and reread every page during the two weeks before the next volume was to arrive. Then, after nine volumes had arrived, my parents were notified that the publisher was going out of business and that they could opt out of the remaining volumes or pay for the delivery of the remainder of the set en masse. I begged and begged and finally convinced them to pay in a lump sum for the rest of the set. It eventually arrived in a big box and I was extremely excited, but after the first few volumes, I lost interest. There was no more anticipation, no more sense of wonder about what might arrive in the mail in a week or two. There they all were, sitting in the corner of my room in that big box. Sadly, some of the volumes were never even opened. All this to say that there is something to be said for exploring/discovering something one step at a time and perhaps in a unique/unconventional order rather than just receiving everything at once, so it can sit in that corner of your harddrive, untouched for months, even years. So come join me on this VU series, avoid the "everything at once" temptation that has a way of putting a damper of the magic of discovery, even if you've heard this all before...

  5. Looking forward to the Church series. Will you be posting Steve Kilbey side-projects, like uh... Hex?

  6. summer freeze, yes, absolutely! Hex, Solo stuff, Jack Frost, and Fake. I also have all the Marty Willson-Piper stuff. I'll start the Church series next week. If you don't want to have to wait for the hex albums, email me:


    I'll get them to you early :)

  7. Oi, so where's the magic of discovery?!

  8. That's not what I meant, I was referring to the answer you gave to summer freeze. You offered to send him the hex albums in advance, so, no magic of discovery... It was a joke.

  9. mother, ah, I get it now. Hmm, you're right about that. S/he never emailed anyway. Any requests for the Church series?

  10. I don't think I know them.

  11. mother, or if there's something that you want to suggest for the VU series, let me know

  12. summer freeze, I do have both Hex albums (I won't make you wait too long) and most of the other side projects as well, along with all the multi-disc Australian remasters of the albums. It will be a great series!

  13. I'm thinking the VU series will be vast. You're planning on posting solo works, aren't you?

  14. mother, yes, definitely. It's looking like a 25-30 post series at this point. I'll have the first post up tomorrow night or Thursday afternoon


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