Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Damned- "Smash It Up" Video (1979)

Possibly the most underrated band of the original UK Punk scene


  1. Ah yes. It was a simpler time back then.

  2. Agreed this band is way underrated but those who know enjoy. How I miss Strawberries and Phantasmagoria haven't heard those in years and Machine Gun Etiquette is essential.

  3. scurfie, part of me assumes that we tend to romanticize the past because memories usually don't include all the fears, worries and silent moments of desperation that people of all times experience on a daily basis; however, another part of me sometimes senses, when looking at an old photo or film clip, that life has truly become hyper-complicated and in a really negative way. It makes me want to smash it up

  4. plan 9, I've been meaning to post some Damned since, and it embarrasses me to write this, last March! I will rectify that soon. I was also thinking of posting some Pistols

  5. The quickening it is called where everything is speeded up, where technology advances but human relations regress. Techno triumphalists envision a technocratic utopia but may need to take off the rose colored glasses. I was thinking of starting a video blog, have the Pistols great rock n' roll swindle vid, some Sid Vicious videos and Pistols vids but I don't want the internet gestapo fascists to add me to their radar screen.

  6. Barth, I think there is definitely something to the quickening idea. There's definitely a tangible change in human relations over the past 30 years or so. The video blog idea sounds very intriguing, but like you, my big fear about posting video material is coming within the radar of the Hollywood KGB


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