Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pete Shelley- "Telephone Operator" Video (1983)

Some dark and edgy synth-pop that somehow hasn't dated a bit...


  1. From back in the day when MTV played videos.

  2. scurfie, oh yes, I remember those days, but it was so damn hard to find reality shows back then ;)

  3. AndieJames, a double Shelley post is up next. Stay tuned :)

  4. AndieJames, also, thank you for becoming a follower of the blog!

  5. You're welcome...actually I should thank you for such a great blog to follow.

  6. I love this blog just for the background changes! Btw, Hollywood and RIAA are making their move against peer to peer and file sharing and our ISP's. The future is not so bright.....

  7. Hi Scurfie, that's the beauty of this blog. I could (and likely would) transform this into a review-only blog, with longer reviews and more graphics. It would still be fun, so fuck Hollywood and RIAA, unless, of course, they begin to object to people even talking about their precious intellectual property.


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