Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Distorted Lens of Internet Explorer

Hello dear readers,

This morning, on a whim, I decided to take a look at (La) luna from the perspective of a different browser (I am a dedicated Firefox user), so I opened Internet Explorer 8.0 for the first time in months and was horrified at what I saw: a big black space above the header and incorrectly sized tabs on the tab bar. I've done some research and have found that many bloggers complain about similar problems with the way their blogs show up in Internet Explorer; however, no fixes were evident. All I can say is that if you want to see (La) luna as it is intended to look, then you'll need to use a browser other than Internet Explorer. My suggestion is Firefox, but there are many other good alternatives:

Download Firefox 4 (English Version)


  1. Precisely why i never use Internet Explorer unless absolutely necessary

  2. Thank God Macs don't use IE.

  3. IE is the bane of my life, i'm a web developer and have to design sites that work properly in every browser. IE consistently renders pages horrendously. Mind you, the devs at Blogger should be designing this site to work in any browser as well. For what it's worth voixautre, (la) luna looks right in Chrome , Firefox and Safari on a Mac. cheers

  4. Nobody around me is using IE. Not to worry.

  5. Google Chrome is GREAT! It's so Simple.....

  6. have to agree revan, great browser. even though google are evil, they made a fabulous browser.

  7. I use Firefox exclusively but I viewed the site in Explorer and see no problems with the tabs. I'm certain that many more readers are vexed by your design of electric blue text on a black background than care about a black box over the header.

    Do what you wanna. I just CTRL-A the whole page so I can read it.

  8. that's funny Don. i like it though, feels like a flashback!

  9. Don, interesting. I have no trouble reading the blue on black. In fact, you are the first reader who has ever mentioned having a problem with it (though after asking my wife, she finds the blue/black vexing too). I suspect any color, even white or yellow would be just as vexing, and I'm not getting rid of the black background, which is likely the culprit

  10. Pablo Honey Come to FloridaJune 12, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    Internet Exploiter is the worst browser ever. I won't even look at those pages that demand you use it, they are almost always up to some haxxor activity. I belive Firefox is Netscape based browser. This page looks fine in Opera, Firefox, and in IE. The psychedelic splash is a real attention grabber.

  11. Pablo Honey, thank you. I made a change to the placement of the blog title in the header last week, which seems to be the source of the problem. I moved it and it resolved the IE problem to some extent. I completely agree with you about IE and the psychedelic splash. I want the blog to look distinctive and I think it does the job

  12. 1.Opera.
    Safari sometimes,but he is little slow.
    Everything works fine.

  13. sunday, I should try opera. Many people swear by it. Have you ever compared it to Firefox?

  14. I try FF for 1 month,and don't have any problem.Simply,i don't like FF.Hundreds add-ons for FF-i don't care.Chrome also have hundreds of extensions.I think,this is question of our personal experience/taste...
    See this: !?People have IE incorporated with Windows OS,and don't try any other browser...
    For me,Opera and Chrome is fastest,and Opera looks fine.Safari for PC is conversion from MAC,he is little slower but powerful browser and i use them sometimes.
    Thats my opinion about browsers.

  15. sunday, it's interesting that you mention all the add-ons with Firefox because that gets on my nerves too. I might DL Opera and try it out. thank you :)

  16. well, so much for Opera, it fucks up the tag cloud in the side bar, dispersing it everywhere and dropping out most of the tags. I'll stick with Firefox. GOD I HATE DEALING WITH BROWSERS!

  17. Google Chrome!!! Wouhou!!!


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