Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hey Blogger, You're Killing Me!

Dear Readers,

Presently Blogger is refusing to let me log-in via my Google account, which is why I have not posted anything since Monday. I found a way into the blog's posting area using Internet Explorer (which I hate; I'm a Firefox guy), but the set-up is entirely different and it is clearly not fully functional; I can't even answer comments right now. So, I just wanted to let you know that I'll resume with our next Tim Buckley post, some Siouxsie, and another Bark Psychosis double post as soon as Blogger gets it together and fixes this log-in shit. However, my friend the man in black has a special message for the boys and girls at Blogger:


  1. Sorry to hear about your blogger issue. Good luck in finding a solution. Kurt

  2. the nefarious assfaceMay 25, 2011 at 2:54 AM

    Firefox with add ons is pretty awesome. Opera is my fave but it is not very user friendly. Blogger has been a real wanker lately with that disaster of May 12 and even now posts from then look weird with numbers and underscores in the title. I never have tried wordpress, it is not very visually attractive like blooger. Hope that works out for you. May the force be with you.

  3. Hope to solve the problem the soonest and the easiest way.

  4. Firefox is the best practically and idiologically.
    I hope the problems will be solved soon.

  5. yeah, 'tis being a dumbass, and often refusing to let me leave comments, particularly when I am signed in.

  6. Hi everyone, it looks like things are fixed for now. I'll have a new post up today. Thanks for all the comments!

  7. Voix you're a gentleman, an endangered species. Best always. Saludos.

  8. El Isabelino, very good to hear from you! I'll have some new posts up very soon :)

  9. Buck, everything is working now, but I'll definitely take your advice if this occurs again, thank you!

  10. what a pain, i'm having trouble getting in as well voixautre. chrome won't let me log on, yet safari will. weird.

  11. bedlam, blogger has been a mess for a few weeks now. Shall we all migrate over to wordpress?

  12. i'd had the thought!

  13. bedlam, my attachment to blogger is about aesthetics. I simply do not think wordpress is as visually attractive or "tweakable" as blogger.


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