Tuesday, March 15, 2011

XTC- "Making Plans for Nigel" (1979) Live, Top of the Pops

Sure, they're lip-syncing, it is TOTPs after all, but live XTC is live XTC! A rare thing indeed!


  1. For every XTC album you upload I will liberate a cactus from the cruelly neglected garden down the road.

  2. we should be able to save a few of those succulents

  3. Every time I see a video or hear a live recording of XTC I have a mixed reaction of happiness and sadness because I didn't see them live. XTC is an acquired taste but once you are hooked they have you. Thanks for posting. Even though they are lip syncing you can still feel the anger!

  4. scurfie, completely agree. I must say, I'm more into their early and mid stuff than the later stuff, this band was truly something to behold. This word gets thrown around quite a bit, but "underrated" doesn't even begin to describe XTC


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