Thursday, March 24, 2011

So Long Mr. Walker, Hello Talk Talk and the Paisley Underground

My next post will be the concluding installment of the Scott Walker Series. In a few days, I plan to commence with a 10 installment Talk Talk/Mark Hollis series.  In addition, I have decided to start an ongoing series devoted to the 1980s Los Angeles Paisley Underground music scene that will continue at least through the summer months, but perhaps longer since I have quite a bit of this material. This series will also include occasional informative posts about the scene and the venues where these bands played. The Paisley underground series was one of my original inspirations for starting this blog (way back when it was called The Killing Moon), and I am VERY excited to get it started. I've got some great posts lined up for the next few days, so stay tuned :)

p.s. lurkers, I love you dearly, so love me back and hit that "follow" button ;)


  1. wouldn't have a cd rip of rain parade "crash landing" would u? it's considered a bad lp compared to their 1st release but I consider it a terrific lp, all I have is a terrible vinyl mp3 rip. thx

  2. Love the paisley layout, and that is one sweet Rickenbacker! The new series sounds exciting.

  3. P.S. Thanks for cleaning up posts at the Palace. I may have went overboard with the numbers speak hehe but I don't want to get on the bad side of any record labels...better to be safe than sorry.

  4. sradams777, do you mean "Crashing Dream"? Yes, I do have this in FLAC. It, along with the "Emergency Third Rail" compilation will be in the series, and, if I can find it, "Beyond the Sunset."

  5. The Paisley Underground! Whew, what a treat. Many many thanks for the excellent music and thought-provoking selections. Kurt

  6. as it happens, I have access to the remaster of "Beyond the Sunset" as well. Good things on the horizon!

  7. Kurt, thank you! The Paisley Underground series will be long and hopefully comprehensive. Thanks for visiting the blog :)

  8. JoJo, thanks, I like the new layout too. I get bored with layouts pretty quickly. I wonder if the readers get tired of all my tinkering. Anyway, one day we'll replace Johnny Cash on the other blog (maybe).

  9. Love the Johnny Cash background. I have a jpg of that same pic as an x-ray it is a trip, don't have any Johnny in lossless. I might go back to record city and look for some!

  10. Paisley Underground series will be something new to me (except Mazzy Star and some other bands...) because never quite into it (yeah, I'm European) and have a feeling that it will be positive surprise to me. That's good, your blog is becoming educative,he he...
    What I'm really happy about is Talk Talk/Hollis series and I'm sure that you'll post something new that most people never heard before.
    Anyhow,you're becoming one of the finest blogs on net...

  11. iggy1, the Talk Talk series will have several rarities and surprises. Thanks for the compliment. I want this blog to be something really special :)

  12. JoJo, we'll keep Mr. Cash then. I'll post some lossless Cash soon. Any requests?

  13. I'm in the mood for Paisley, Voix. Pretty sure a small encyclopedia of Paisley will be created here. Can't wait for positive comments.
    Not to forget Talk Talk, they 're also an excellent choise.

  14. they are both coming soon. I'll probably start both series this weekend. The Paisley series will be a long one

  15. Anything from the Rubin produced American recordings era and Live at Folsom. I love some of the covers Johnny did on those American records. He covers Nine Inch Nails, Tom Petty, Soundgarden and on one song he gives a shout out to Nick Cave by making a kick against the pricks reference. :-)

  16. JoJo, I've got all that stuff. When I have some time, maybe I'll post the "Unearthed" box. Wouldn't that be a fucking amazing post?

  17. A boxed set would take awhile to upload. I have a Martin Scorsese presents the Blues and Django Reinhardt boxed set in lossless. Might take a weekend and up them sometime.

  18. JoJo, I could do it; I have pretty good upload speed

  19. voixautre - yes I meant "Crashing Dream" you are correct. I love the paisley underground stuff.
    If I knew how to post here I would. I have a bunch of stuff from the '80s - '90's. I was in a band then, we weren't psychedelic but our guitarist played a blonde rickenbacker 12 string like the one in your pic.

  20. sradams777, I don't have any other posters on (La) luna, since it's such a obsessive pet project of mine, but I'd be happy to send you an invite to the other blog, Plastic Palace People. I could walk you through the posting process. After a week or so, you'd be a pro at it. If you're interested, send me an email to:

    Once upon a time, I had a 12 string blonde Rickenbacker 381 semi-acoustic, curly maple beauty. Sadly I had to sell it to pay rent in college. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth

  21. Paisley Underground ! I love this scene, i have a good collection of vinyls and CDs but i can't find "Rainy Day" & "Viva Saturn". Can you upload this beautiful stuff in lossless? Thanks, Voix

  22. "Rainy Day" is a must and I have my own CD rip to post. For viva Saturn, I have the two albums, but the early EP remains elusive

  23. Looking forward to the Paisley Underground series.

  24. gomonkeygo, me too. I'll get it started sometime next week. I'm a bit behind on my posts due to work


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