Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Follow Is to Lead

Hello all, just a brief plea to those lurkers out there: I realize many of you do not have a Google account, but if you do, could you hit the 'follow' button on the upper right-hand column beneath the handsome cat in the black & white suit? It really is an indication (to me at least) that you are enjoying the blog. The Killing Moon (La luna que mata) was born exactly two months ago today and has grown very quickly. I want to build a special community of music lovers here and gaining followers is a big part of this. To be honest, I hate the term "follower," as it implies that I am some sort of "leader" here. In actuality, maintaining a blog like this is more like writing a novel, in the sense that I feel like it tells a story post by post. However, it is a story that you, dear readers, have a huge role in writing. Your comments, recommendations, and requests have made this beautiful blog what it is. Thank you to all, and a big warm and fuzzy pretty please to those who haven't hit the button- man in the moon


  1. I'm sorry I keep cleaning my cache and the sites I have "followed" are cleaned out. I will try harder to be a good follower. :)

  2. thanks scurfie, you are such a big part of this blog; it's unthinkable for you to not be a "follower" ;)

  3. Can I do it after the Harley gets trucked in and I find the perfect Starbucks plus my Nike logo tattoo hasn't dried. Naw seriously I'll click it, and tell ya what it says since I don't google, fakebook, mespace (me me me) or twatter.

  4. thanx for the very good choices, i'll try to make a comment despite following.

  5. ranxerox, thank you, and do let me know if you ever have any suggestions for future posts

  6. for sure voixautre, what i've been searching in lossless is Savage Republic, i've requested in many blogs but never showed up.

  7. ranxerox, I'll search for that one and if I find it, I'll either post here or on We Like It Lossless!

  8. ranxerox, apparently, Savage Republic makes regular requests to blogs asking them not to provide downloads for Savage Republic music. Here is the website for their band-run record label:

  9. so I guess we do respect their request

  10. ranxerox, it's my policy on this blog to take down links if requested to do so by an artist. This is mostly done (at least in my case) out of a sense of self-preservation (me & the blog). The last thing I need is for someone to file a DMCA complaint against the blog (it's already happened twice). The more of those I get, the bigger chance Google-Blogger will turn out the lights on The Moon. This is the reason there is very little if any lossless Savage Republic in cyberspace, the band actively looks around for it. ~ voixautre

  11. Another blog switched off google search (don't know how) on their blog thus reducing risks of controls and savage deletes from over zealous people (he had lots of posts disappearing).

    Thanks for the music and the comments

  12. Appick, do you mean the blog search at the top in most blogs (mine doesn't have this) or did they disable the ability to search their blog in all Google searches? Thanks, by the way, for following the blog; it is much appreciated

  13. I think that they go together - perhaps someone out there has more technical know how about these things. I know that that if you google a group then his blog won't be included in the search. Qu^l1tyb00tz bl0g5p0t c0m. Lossless too, 'though only bootlegs.

  14. PS The obvious inconvenience is that it'll be more difficult for new people to find the blog!

  15. Appick, I got rid of the Google search on the blog; it didn't work right anyway, and replaced it with a basic blog search widget. In terms of being searchable on Google, at some point, when the blog has a larger following, it might be a good move to get it off Google (if such a thing can be done)


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