Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Talk Talk- "I Believe in You" Video (1988)

Sad but true: Mark Hollis & co. were sued by their record company (EMI) for what amounts to willful uncommercialism (conspiracy to invent Post-Rock)


  1. The Colour of Spring is a great one. Did their record company really sue them?!

  2. or such a shame =)
    Spirit of Eden (1988)masterpiece
    Laughing Stock (1991)masterpiece

  3. The were sued for "Spirit of Eden" on the grounds that the album wasn't "commercially satisfactory." I think Talk Talk was trying to get out of their contract with EMI at the time because they knew they were heading in an even more "non-commercial" direction. EMI was probably pressuring them to produce another "It's My Life." Anyway, I don't know what else to say other than: "Fuck you EMI!"

  4. douxee, I completely agree. I even think "It's My Life" is a damn nice piece of pop, but their final three albums are peerless. Have you heard the Hollis solo album? I should probably post all these

  5. the great rock n' roll swindleFebruary 1, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    Ahh the same EMI the Sex Pistols made a laughing stock of.

  6. Thank you for a clip I'd not seen before. A man (band?) with a very clear-sighted vision who knew what type of music he was striving for, regardless of the consequences.

  7. The evolution of Talk Talk/Hollis is such a fascinating story. I have amassed enough material to do a series of posts on them. Scott Walker's next (starting today), but a Talk Talk series is not far behind

  8. yes i heard Hollis's solo LP, i liked it but not the same way as the two last TT's LP.

  9. @ voixautre - a series covering the genius that is Mark Hollis would be wonderful. Do you have his AVI (Allinson & Brown)?
    Cant find it anywhere except paying a lot to Amazon for 2nd hand copies.

    If you want a hand with that series post something here so I can get in touch

  10. I'm doing a Talk Talk series next after Scott Walker and have pretty much everything, but not the one you mentioned. Does Hollis sing on this?

  11. Anonymous, I found someone who has the AV1 album, so if I can borrow it to rip it to FLAC, I'll post it during the upcoming TALK TALK series

  12. Yes he does, Allinson is from a TT B side (think) Brown is the producer of mark's solo album. There are a surprising number of TT bootlegs around and plenty of video too.
    At the foot of this amazon page (www.amazon.com/AV1-Allinson-Brown/dp/B0000087JT)are some interesting reviews - your appetite will be whetted!!
    Did you ever see TT live?

  13. @ voixautre I've just noticed your follow up.
    OMG am I ever IMPRESSED (yep its an understatement) - everyone I know and they know have been hassled but nothing!
    Then within hours you've unearthed it. I am so envious, but eagerly await your upload.

    BTW My name is Mike and it is very good to meet you and the offer stands.

  14. Hi Mike, it's been verified. My contact is sending me the CD to rip, so it will be part of the Talk Talk series. Could you make a list of the Hollis-related FLACs that you have? If you want, email me at killingmoonmusic@gmail.com
    Also, please hit the blog's "follow" button when you get a chance, thanks!

  15. Mike, also, if you email me, I'll send you the link right after I rip the CD to FLAC instead of making you wait for it to be posted on the blog, cheers

  16. @ voixautre would be my pleasure!

    I'll get that over to you withing 12 hours, hopefully sooner.



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