Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Smiths- S/T (1984) MP3 & FLAC -For Jo Jo-

"It's time the tale were told of how you took a child and you made him old."

Simply put, The Smiths were the most important band of the eighties, and there is no better place to find out why than their eponymous debut, a raw and intensely beautiful album that brilliantly combines highly melodic guitar-pop with many of the hallmarks of the Post-Punk movement. The Smiths had initially recorded many of these tracks with Troy Tate (former guitarist for The Teardrop Explodes) in the production seat, but were convinced by John Porter, who had production credits with Japan and Roxy Music, that the sessions were unsalvageable. Under the auspices of Porter, The Smiths proceeded to record a stunner that would signal a sea change on the British music scene. The Smiths is nothing if not doggedly unconventional, and I can remember hearing "What Difference Does It Make?" for the first time back in 1984, thinking how strange Morrissey's disaffected vocals and Johnny Marr's charging guitar sounded in amongst all the synth-pop pablum dominating alt-rock radio in those days. From Marr's inventive song-structures to Morrissey's distinctive croon to the strangely literate lyrics to the band's unblinking willingness to explore the darkest recesses of alienation, The Smiths were simultaneously the crowning achievement of British Post-Punk and the harbinger of its demise. An absolute classic.

The Smiths (2006 Remastered Japanese Mini-LP Edition)
 1. Reel Around the Fountain  (5:57)
 2. You've Got Everything Now  (4:00)
 3. Miserable Lie  (2:28)
 4. Pretty Girls Make Graves  (3:43)
 5. The Hand That Rocks the Cradle  (4:38)
 6. This Charming Man  (2:43)
 7. Still Ill  (3:21)
 8. Hand in Glove  (3:23)
 9. What Difference Does It Make?  (3:50)
10. I Don't Owe You Anything  (4:05)
11. Suffer Little Children  (5:29)


  1. I don't remember if we notified you before that we have added you to the Digital Meltdown Blogroll. Good luck with your blog!

  2. Yay! Musik make Jo JO happy. Smiths and Cocteau Twins really make Jo Jo happy. Happy Happy Joy Joy! Thanks a many.

  3. How can Jo Jo send music to TKM? E-mail, ftp, file hoster? Eye have some Echo & Bunnymen, Thomas Dolby, New Order, Nick Drake, that I haven't seen on this page. Those fit in with the sounds of TKM the most. I listen to everything except country.

  4. Digital Meltdown, thank you so much for adding us to your blogroll! I will add you to The Killing Moon's blogroll ASAP

  5. Jo Jo, happy to oblige on The Smiths; I'll post "Louder Than Bombs" soon. In terms of posting on La luna que mata, I've thought about bringing in other posters, but the blog is evolving in an interesting direction, and I think I want to see where it goes for awhile before I make a change as big as adding posters. If/when I do decide to bring in a few additional posters, you, of course, would be at the top of the list. Your requests are always good (and fun to hunt down). You would, of course, need a Google account ;).I have pretty much everything from the bands you mentioned, so if you have some rare stuff by Echo, New Order or Drake, let me know. I haven't posted Joy Division/New Order because they are notorious for having files deleted. Drake will be featured in the near future, perhaps a mini-series. Have you thought about posting on We Like It Lossless! JFK and I are the only regular posters over there. Just mention in the chatbox that you are interested in posting over there and see what happens. thestarry is the man you want to talk to

  6. Have a yahoo acct. that is how i was able to follow the lunacy. I will look into wlil blog submissions. Nop nothing really rare, Heaven Up Here 2003 remaster, the one good Thomas Dolby album (golden age of wireless), Drake discog, and New Order-Substance 2cd, Tears For Fears-Songs from the Big Chair, Tears Roll Down-Greatest hits, all in flacs. A buddy let me borrow a box of cd's Fri. and still copying today. The i5 box does an encode in like 20seconds hehe! Copied three blues boxed sets various, some Clapton, Robert Johnson, those are probably bands and artists that would couse trouble with record companies. Would love to see the first Soundgarden-Ultramega OK, Agent Orange-This is the Voice, T.S.O.L.-Revenge in flac. Only the magic flac fairy would have those. Those are probably more bands and labels that track down any post.

  7. Jo Jo, I just posted a huge treat for you. Man, it took me two hours to write that one! You could start your own blog. It's not that hard; in fact, the hardest part is choosing the look. I spent a long time picking colors and things like that. Originally, the blog was called "Journey to the End of the Night." Then I thought about "Plastic Palace People," and finally settled on "The Killing Moon" (which has now switched to Spanish because I like the Q). Go to one of these websites. I'll help promote your blog if/when you start one. or (my blog is Google blogger). Look into posting on WLIL! too.

  8. by the way, look for some William Burroughs stuff on WLIL! very soon!

  9. Awesome! Thank you so much for the Japanese remaster =)


  10. JDT, you're welcome. When the new remasters are released soon. I'll post them in a timely manner


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