Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Labradford- Mi Media Naranja (1997) MP3 & FLAC

Not quite Ambient, not quite Post-Rock, yet containing the best traits of both, Labradford's Mi Media Naranja creates a darkly-lit soundscape full of dusty, desolate expanses illuminated by Mark Nelson's melancholy spaghetti-western melodies. While certainly minimalist in approach, this is music that rewards familiarity because each track is fleshed out with many subtle details that only unfurl with repeated listens. For example, on the surface, the gorgeous opening track, "S," sounds something like a Morricone-inspired lullaby; however, just beneath the twang can be heard the rumble of a volcanic watery drone counterpoised with a high-pitched electronic bell effect ringing out a faint Dub-style beat. This oblique arrangement creates both a sense of formlessness and movement, making the song instantly memorable but even more revelatory on the second listen. Labradford really came into their own on this album, trading in the cluttered gloom of earlier releases for a more cinematic journey into the abyss. Highly recommended.

Mi Media Naranja
1. S  (6:19)
2. G  (4:00)
3. WR  (5:50)
4. C  (6:19)
5. I  (5:04)
6. V  (6:24)
7. P  (9:18)


  1. You had me at melancholy spaghetti-western melodies.

  2. thank you; it's a great album- enjoy

  3. I haven't had a chance to listen to this yet. The album title is quite intriguing. It's a Spanish phrase that translates to "my half-orange." This is a saying--un dicho--that in English roughly translates to "my better half." In other words, when someone says that she has found her "media naranja," she means that she has found her love, her partner, her corresponding (missing) piece. Perhaps a slightly different sentiment than the saying in English, which has something of a sarcastic undertone. Anyhow, i've always loved the phrase, "mi media naranja," and i'm looking foward to giving this a listen!

  4. great comment Ana; I was wondering what the title means. Now I feel like I need to listen to the album again. Keep coming back!


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